Celebrating 20 Years of Catalyst Collaborative@MIT

Debra Wise in "The Half Life of Marie Curie", Lindsay McWhorter, Karina Beleno Carney, and Kortey Adams in 'Young Nerds of Color". Photos: Nile Scott Studios.


Catalyst Collaborative@MIT (CC@MIT) creates and presents theater that deepens public engagement in science, providing a vibrant tapestry of experiences and emotions while making profound human connections with science.  

Located only blocks away from the MIT Campus, Central Square Theater collaborates with MIT, the nation’s longest on-going partnership between a professional theater and a major research institution.

Catalyst Collaborative@MIT’s accomplishments:  

  • 35 productions 
  • 5 new play commissions 
  • 10 world premieres
  • Over 175 pre & post performance conversations and panels with scientists and artists 
  • Over 45 stage readings presented in more than 20 venues across 3 states, including:
  • The American Academy of Arts & Sciences;
  • MIT Museum;
  • Community organizations, and schools. 
  • 15 Education and Outreach residencies created specifically for young people ages 10-25 
  • The month long virtual Brit d’Arbeloff Women in Science Festival in 2021
  • Over 300  Scientists and Artists engaged in the past 20 years.

Special Events – Upcoming!

The Women in Science Brunch,  February 9, 2025 
Book Your Ticket

Science Soireé – CC@MIT 20th Anniversary Gala Celebration, April 22, 2025 

Community and Education Events

Coolidge Corner: Science on Screen
MIT Museum-  Science on Stage PLAY Lab
Tour: Inventing Samanta
Youth Underground Arts and Science Fellowship 

Join the Women in Science Producer’s Circle!

The Women in Science Circle is built on the foundation of  enthusiasm and investment of the Brit d’Arbeloff Women in Science Productions – six productions over the past seasons that have invited audiences and actors to step  into the worlds of women exploring the Cosmos to DNA, and resonated with their challenges in their fields and their groundbreaking discoveries.  As part of the Catalyst Collaborative@MIT 20th Anniversary,  this season we bring to stage two Women in Science productions,  Galileo’s Daughter and the world premiere of  S P A C E.   

Join with a Gift Today!

All contributions towards the Circle will be MATCHED up to $25,000!

As a Member of the Women in Science Circle you are supporting plays that uplift the work of known and unknown scientists who have made groundbreaking contributions to science as well as enjoy exclusive benefits. 

Benefits are commensurate with giving level and include:

  • Acknowledgement in the CC@MIT 20th Anniversary and Women in Science Circle digital and print materials begins with a donation of $100+
  • Special Discount Code for CC@MIT productions in 2024-25 Season, and Early Ticket Access and Circle Member Discount to the Women in Science Brunch (Fall 2024) and Early Ticket Access to the CC@MIT 20th Anniversary Science Soireé (Spring 2025) begins with a donation of  $250+
  • Invitation  to Women in Science Production Closing Parties and Cast & Creative Team Meet & Greets begins with a donation of $500+
  • Invitation to Circle Member Exclusive Events like attending a Director’s Rehearsal, begin with a donation of  $1,000+
  • Invitation to attend as Circle Member Guest(s) at the Women in Science Brunch and Concierge services begins with a donation of $2,500+
  • Special  Sponsor acknowledgement and premium seating at the CC@MIT 20th Anniversary Science Soireé (Spring 2025); and customized benefits begins with a donation of $5,000+